Who we are
Our research team is mainly interested in mathematical aspects of cryptology with a focus on algorithms for number theory, algebraic geometry, and cryptanalysis.
Here you'll find an informal presentation (in RUS) of our team.
Our members:
- Ekaterina Malygina, кандидат физ.-мат. наук (PhD)
- Semyon Novoselov, кандидат физ.-мат. наук (PhD)
- Elena Kirshanova, PhD
- Nikita Kolesnikov, teaching assistant
- Eugenii Mel'nichuk, teaching assistant
- Alexander Karenin, PhD student
- Dr. CryptoBaklan, mascot
Main collaborations: ENS Lyon , Ruhr University Bochum
What's up
Our research
Recent publications:
On the Discrete Logarithm Problem in the Ideal Class Group of Multiquadratic Fields
Semyon Novoselov. At LatinCrypt 2023
Decoding McEliece with a Hint -- Secret Goppa Key Parts Reveal Everything
Elena Kirshanova, Alexander May. At SCN 2022
Post-quantum signature: Kryzhovnik
What we teach
2023 Autumn term
2023 Spring term
2022 Autumn term
2022 Spring term
2021 Autumn term
2021 Spring term
Thesis' topics
Contact us in case you are interested in writing a Bachelor/Master/Diploma thesis on one of the following topics
- Precise complexity of decoding random linear codes. Some coding skills will be required.
- Practical speed-up for sieving algorithms for ideal lattices (NTRU, RingLWE)
- Attacks on lattice based cryptosystems
- Conctruction of efficiently decodable codes and lattices
What's going on
Ongoing events
Upcoming events
Past events
- 18th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding
- Fourteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS-XIV
- Летняя школа-конференция "Криптография и информационная безопасность" 2020
- "Lattices: Algorithms, Complexity, and Cryptography", Semester at Simons Institute, Berkeley
- International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO
- Quantum Cryptanalysis, Dagstuhl, Germany
9-14 September 2019, SIBECRYPT'19, Tomsk, Russia.
IACR Summer School "Euclidean lattices: theory and applications", Kaliningrad, 2019
Video-recordings of the lectures are available here